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New Sydenham Society.
London : The new Sydenham Society, 1877-1899.
Cote : 1866.
Exemplaire numérisé : BIU Santé (Paris)
Nombre de réponses : 546 1-250 page précédente
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Image : Plate I / Scrofula : Syphilis : and Lymph-Adenoma. Fig.1. Scrofulous disease of the kidney and ureter ( Dr. Dickinson). Fig. 2. Scrofulous disease of the kidney (Dr.Sutton) Fig. 3.Scrofulous disease of the kidney (Dr Sutton) . Fig. 4. A mass of syphilitic deposit in the cortical substance of the kidney (Dr Sutton) Fig. 5. Lymph-Adenoma of Kidney (Dr Sutton)
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Image : Plate II / Nephritis after diphtheria; scarlet fever; and burns. Fig. 1. Nephritis after diphtheria. Fig. 2. Subacute nephritis after scarlet fever. Fig. 3. Subacute nephritis after scarlet fever. Fig. 4. Acute nephritis after scarlet fever. Fig. 5. Subacute nephritis after scarlet fever. Fig. 6. Acute nephritis after a burn. Fig. 7. Acute nephritis after a burn
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Image : Plate III / The granular kidney in different stages. Fig.1. Extremely granular kidney. Fig. 2. Extremely granular kidney. Fig. 3. Less granular (contracted) kidney. Fig. 4. Granular kidney of bright. Fig. 5. Contracted granular kidney, in section (Dr. Sutton). Fig. 6. Contracted granular kidney; exterior (Dr. Sutton). Fig. 7. Large granular kidney. Fig. 8. Large granular kidney with cysts
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Image : Plate IV / Embolism : infarction processes from pyaemia : jaundice and purpura : scrofula. Fig.1. Embolic changes in pyaemia (Dr. Sutton). Fig. 2. Embolic changes in pyaemia. Fig. 3. Pyaemic depositsin kidney. Fig. 4. Pyaemic deposits in the kidney. Fig. 5. Results of jaundice and purpura. Fig. 6. A variety of the scrofulous kidney
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Image : Plate V / Disease of the kidney. Fig.1. Amyloid disease of kidney in advanced stage. Fig. 2. A section of the same kidney. Fig. 3. The pale flabby kydney. Fig. 4. The same organ seen in section. Fig. 5. Medullary cancer of the kidney
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Image : Plate VI / Various diseased conditions of the spleen. Fig. 1. Hodgkin's disease of Spleen (lympho-sarcoma). Fig. 2. Acute splenic enlargement in diphtheria. Fig. 3. Suppurating infarction of spleen from a case of Ulcerative endocarditis. Fig. 4 Embolic changes in pyaemia. Fig. 5. Rupture of the spleen
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Image : Plate VII / Diseases of the supra renal capsules and spleen. Fig. 1. Cancer of the supra renal capsule. Fig. 2,3,4 Adenoma of the supra renal capsule. Fig 3. External surface. Fig. 2 & 4 the same in section. Fig. 5 Addison's disease of the supra renal capsule. Fig. 6. Addison's disease of the supra renal capsule (in section). Fig. 7. Tubercle of the spleen (external surface). Fig. 8. tubercle of the spleen (in section). Fig. 9. Lardaceous spleen
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Image : Plate VIII / Fig. 1. Lardaceous degeneration of the kidney. Fig. 2. Lardaceous degeneration. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Lardaceous degeneration in earlier stage combined with interstitial fibrous change. Figs. 5 & 6 Lardaceous degeneration (section comil).Fig. 7. Granular contracted kidney. Fig. 8. From the same Fig. 9. Partial Fibrous degeneration of Malpighian body. Fig. 10 From the same kidney. Fig. 11. Multiplication of nuclet. Fig. 12. Subacute interstitial nephritis. Fig. 13. Scarlatinal nephritis. Fig. 14. Subacute interstitial nephritis. Fig. 15. Acute Catarrhal Nephritis. Fig. 16. Part of the same seen with higher power. Fig. 17. Section of cortex from a case of parenchymatous ( catarrhal) nephritis. Fig. 18. From nearly transverse section near base of pyramid in similar case.Fig. 19. Casts in tubes in interstitial nephritis ( post scarlatinal). Fig. 20. Colloid cast
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Image : Plate IX / Fig. 1.Scarlatinal Nephritis. Fig. 2.Shows two of the glomeruli from the same section as Fig. 1. d' under a higher power. Fig. 3. Section from the same. Part of the wall of a Malpighian body from wich the capillary tuft has fallen out. Seen under higher power. Fig. 4.Scarlatinal Nephritis. Fig. 5. Scarlatinal Nephritis (from a case fatal 15 months after attack scarlet fever) Fig. 6. From same kidney as Fig. 5 . , but in deeper part of cortex, close to medulla. Fig. 7. Subacute interstitial nephritis. Fig. 8. Chronic parenchymatous nephritis (large white kidney) with little or no interstitial change. Fig. 9. Kidney in leucocythaemia. Fig. 10. Swelling of inner cost of small artery in granular contracted kidney.Fig. 11. Tuberculous Pyelo-nephritis. Fig. 12. Fatty degeneration from Alcoholic poisoning. Fig. 13. Fatty degeneration in cancer. Fig. 14. Individual epithelial cells from the preceding section; in various stages of fatty degeneration. Fig. 15. Cystic degeneration of kidney. Fig. 16. From a cyst in kidney near base of pyramid. Fig. 17. Colloid degeneration of kidney. Figs. 18,19,20 and 21 illustrate the hyaline changes found in the splenics arteries in certain febrile conditions. Fig. 18. From a section through the spleen of a case of early scarlatina. Fig. 19. Artery in longitudinal section. Fig. 20. Malpighian corpuscle from the spleen a case of early scarlatina, showing three different zones, a, b, c. Fig. 21. Part of the central and intermediate zone of the same Malpighian corpuscle as in Fig. 20.,only more highly magnified (180 diam.) Fig. 22 Hodgkin's disease. Fig. 23. Adenoma of the supra renal capsule
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Image : Plate X / Spleen & supra-renal capsules Fig. 1. Capsulitis of the spleen. Fig. 2. Fibrosis of the spleen. Fig.3. Fibrosis of the spleen. Fig. 4. Muscular hypertrophy. Fig. 5. Muscular hypertrophy. Fig. 6. The leucocythaemic spleen. Fig. 7. The leucocythaemic spleen. Fig. 8. Hodgkin's disease. Fig. 9. Tubercular Spleen. Fig. 10. Tubercular spleen. Fig. 11. Induration and Atrophy. Fig. 12 Lardaceous Spleen. Fig. 13. Lardaceous spleen. Fig. 14.Addison's disease. Fig. 15. Addison 's disease
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Image : Plate XI / Lymphadenoma of the liver
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Image : Plate XII / Fig. 1. Dilatation of the bile ducts in the liver from the pressure of a gallstone in the cystic duct. Fig. 2. Cancer of the liver with dilatation of the ducts and staining of the hepatic tissue
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Image : Plate XIII / Syphilitic cirrhosis of the liver
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Image : Plate XIV / Fig. 1. Red atrophy with acute yellow atrophy of the liver. Fig. 2. Microscopical appearances of the yellow swollen parts of the liver (acute yellow atrophy). Fig. 3. Microscopical appearances of red atrophy of the liver
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Image : Plate XV / Fig. 1. Lardaceous liver. Fig. 2. Lardaceous liver showing the iodine reaction
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Image : Plate XVI / Fig. 1. Cancer of the liver. Fig. 2. Nutmeg liver. Chronic congestion and atrophy of the liver from mitral disease
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Image : Plate XVII / diseases of the liver and spleen . Fig. 1. Cirrhosis of the liver resembling the Nutmeg liver Fig. 2. Brown Atrophy of the liver. Fig. 3. Cirrhosis of the liver. Fig. 4. Lymphadenoma of the spleen ( hodgkin's Disease)
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Image : Plate XVIII / Fig. 1. Fatty liver from poisoning by phosphorus. Fig. 2. Cirrhosis of the liver. Fig. 3. Tubercular liver. Fig. 4. Cirrhosis of the liver
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Image : Plate XIX / Cystic disease of the liver
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Image : Plate XX / Fig. 1. Lardaceous disease of the liver. Fig. 2. Fatty liver. Fig. 3. Early cirrhosis. Figs. 4 & 5 Cirrhosis of the liver (after Hamilton). Fig. 6. Cirrhosis of the liver. Fig. 7. A vegetation from the surface of the liver. Fig. 8. Spindle-cell sarcoma of the liver. Fig. 9. Disseminated growths of fibrous nature in the liver. Fig. 10. Lardaceous disease of the liver. Fig. 11. Cavernous tumour in the liver. Fig. 12. Acute yellow atrophy of the liver. Fig. 13. Cavernous tumour in the liver. Fig. 14. Early Cirrhosis Fig. 15. Columnar epithelioma of the liver
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Image : Plate XXI / Fig. 1. Cirrhosis of the liver. Fig. 2. Cirrhosis of the liver showing a cross-section of ducts and vessels in a portal channel, with the surrounding changes. Fig. 3. monolobular cirrhosis (after Dreschfeld and Young). Fig. 4. The nutmeg liver (Ramose atrophy of Moxon). Fig. 5. Tubercular liver. Fig. 6. The nutmeg liver, showing appearances in the portal canals similar to those of the so-called biliary cirrhosis. Fig. 7. Miliary gummata. Fig. 8. Idiopathic anaemia. Atrophy in the distribution of the hepatic artery and intrabular vein. Figs. 9 & 10 Cancer of the bile ducts. Fig. 11 Cancer spreading from the biliary ducts. Fig. 12. Early gummatous infiltration of the liver. Fig. 13. " Common" cirrhosis ( Cirrhosis). Fig. 14. Tubercular Liver. Fig. 15 Idiopathic Anaemia
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Image : Plate XXII / Fif. 1. "Pericellular" Cirrhosis. Fig. 2. Cirrhosis of the liver. Fig. 3. Nutmeg liver, showing cirrhotic changes. Fig. 4. Cystic liver to show the changes in the portal canals. Fig. 5. Cystic liver. Fig. 6. Early cancer of the liver.Fig. 7. Extreme tubercular disease of liver. Fig. 8. Brown atrophy of the liver Fig. 9. Extreme tubercular disease of the liver. Fig. 10. Myxoedematous liver. Figs. 11,12 & 13 "Contracting scirrhus of the liver simulating cirrhosis". Fig. 11. Isolated cells from nodules of cancer, large and not at all unlike the gland cells. Fig. 12. Part of the infiltrating growth. Fig. 13. Shows the cells from a nodule of the growth in position. Figs. 14, 15 & 16 Varieties of cell vacuolation and proliferation, illustrating the stages of cancer in the liver. Fig. 17. Primary adenoma of the liver. Fig. 18. Leukaemic liver. Fig. 19. Primary adenoma of the liver
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Image : Plate XXIII / Syphilitic and lardaceous disease of the liver
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Image : Plate XXIV / Fig. 1. Abscesses in the liver. Fig. 2. Papilloma of the Gall- Bladder
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Image : Plate XXV / Cancer of gall-bladder and liver.Gall-stones , with obstruction and dilatation of the cystic duct
Nombre de réponses : 546 1-250 page précédente